Namaskar! Would you like to become a yoga teacher ? Our Authentic yoga teacher training is available for you Australia Wide in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth & Adelaide

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Our School Tradition

 Yoga & Meditation school of India 

Established in 2010 in Australia we teach and specialise in  yoga teacher training in TRADTIONAL HATHA yoga  and ASHTANGA YOGA SYSTEM  which is based on one common principle  of holding body position in unique way for particular time to revitalise  and balance your mind and body. The yoga school is based in Melbourne was  founded by Yoga Teacher Samir Rane.  Ashatanga Yoga originitated in India from Sage Patanjali about 5000 year ago followed by  Hatha yoga  believed to be originated from Lord Shiva(Nath tradition), later followed by many great yogis like Sage Mastyendranath, Churangi, Sage Gorakhshanath in 8th and 9th century. While Ashatanga yoga 196 Sutras was passed on to next generation  through oral recitations.  First comprehesive text  “Hatha yoga pradepika “of Hatha yoga was established in 1200AD by Swami Swatmarama




School Founder Shri Samir Rane  comes from a  yogic family from India where  yoga has been his family tradition for many generations and he is associated with yoga for last 32 years. The lineage is carry forward from his Grandfather (Yogacharya Arjun) who was also a Yoga Guru back in India teaching in one of the most distinguished Yoga school . He has travelled and practice under well respected yoga teachers (gurus) who had distinguished themselves as celebrated yoga teachers in different parts of India.

With years of yoga experience he is on the panel of Senior Level 3 yoga teachers of  Yoga Australia with only few having that   privelage.

Our Yoga School was invited by . to participate and guide them for their special TV show India Now to educate the  community on the origins of Yoga tradition.

ABC TV beautifully articulated this video to bring out the right message across the world community to help safeguard this ancient heritage.  Hope you will enjoy it . Click on VIDEO

As a Yoga Teacher he has taught students in India, NewZealand and Australia and have helped many to gain their  mind and body fitness through traditional Ashtanga and Hatha yoga system.  Till date more than 4200 students have attended and experience Yoga and meditation school of India classes in Melbourne and have thus created a community for Yoga students and it  continues to openly share its  knowledge passion and love for Yoga. Having worked in different profession of high pressure corporate jobs he has guided many students including Doctors, lawyers, Mums, Business people and many more  on how to make use of yoga in practical life to be happy and maintain a good lifestyle. Many students have gone further to open their own yoga studios  or have made amazing transformation in their self belief and development. 



Shilpa Rane is the Director of Yoga Education & Senior teaching Faculty of Yoga and Meditation school of India. She carries years of vast knowledge of both Scientific Human Anatomy and holistic side of Yoga Philosophy and is also trained since childhood by renowned Yoga Masters from India in Sanskrit Mantras. Shilpa is also a qualified Ayurveda expert with specialisation in Nutrition and health

 Having worked in Hospitals, Medical research centres in past she has a unique understanding of  Human body at deeper level which helps our students immensly in  understanding Yoga and its correlation to Modern Science in simple and effective way. Her research based Lectures are very popular and  most sought after in the training sessions.  

          Yoga and Meditation School of India conduct very popular YOGA TEACHER’S TRAINING COURSE in MELBOURNE, SYDNEY,  BRISBANE & PERTH and across Australia for students  who would like to teach tradtional yoga across the world and  help the community. This Yoga teachers training course will help students  to gain good understanding and knowledge of this mystical science for self realisation and spiritual growth.

For more details  Please click here



 Ashtanga Yoga History

*Origin→ India

*Founder→Sage Patanjali around 400BC

*Authentic Ashatanga yoga Sutras →196 sanskrit lines or sutras. As the printing technology was not available at that time, this text has been  transferred through generations by oral recitations (Shruti).

*Meaning of Ashtanga→ In Sanskrit "Ashta + anga" is Ashtanga. "Ashta" means Eight and "Anga" is limbs so it means Eight Limb path, ashtanga yoga is based on Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali.

Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga -
 (English translation of  sanskrit words)

1.Yama (Principles)
* Ahimsa - A principle of non-violence
* Satya - A principle of Truthfulness
* Asteya - A principle of non stealing
* Brahmacharya - Continence / celibacy
* Aparigah - A principle of non-hoarding or non possessiveness

2.Niyama (Personal Disciplines)
* Shoucha - Purity
* Santosh - Contentment
* Tapa - Endurance
* Swadhyaya- Self study
* Eshwar Pranidhan- Dedication

3.Asana - (Yoga Postures / positions) A stable and comfortable posture which helps attain mental equilibrium.

4.Pranayama - (Yoga Breathing) Extension and control of breath.

5.Pratyahara - (Withdrawal of Senses) A mental preparation to increase the power of mind.

6.Dharana - (Concentration on Object) Concentration of mind on one object and its field.

7.Dhyan - (Meditation) With drawing mind from all external objects and Focusing it on one point and meditating on it.

8.Samadhi - (Salvation) State of Super bliss, joy and merging individual consciousness in to universal consciousness.


Hatha Yoga History

*  Origin - India

*   Shiva Lineage (9th century BC onwards) – Sage Matsyendranath. Sage Gorakshanath

*   Authentic Hatha yoga Manual -Hatha Yoga Pradipika 1200AD

*   Founder -Yoga Guru- Swami Swatmarama 1200 AD

*  Tradition – Nath tradition (lord Shiva). This is the tradition of sages who live in caves or Himalayas and renounce material life adopting   sanyasa.

*   Meaning - the  word Hatha  is made up of Ha + Tha. "Ha" means Pingala Nadi (sun principle) or right nostril and "tha" means Ida nadi, (moon principle) or left nostril. Nadi means psychic passage of energy which can be compared with nerves in physical body.

*  How it affects the body - Hatha Yoga practices results in balancing the entire nervous system resulting in balance of Body and Mind, physical  energy and mental energy.

Principle process followed as per ancient manual -

1) Shatkarmas – (different body cleansing process)

Agnisardhouti - This process eliminates diseases in the stomach and ignites the fire in the stomach . Its a rapid fire movement of abdomen controlled by breathing.

Vamandhouti- this process helps regulate the digestive system by removing all toxins from the digestive system, very good for acidity problems. One Drinks plenty of water empty stomach and vomit out the entire water after glancing upwards for a minute. The vamandhouti eliminates kapha and pitta.

Kapalbhati – Its a powerful cleansing breathing techniques which activate s the dormant energy in the body knowns as Kundalini energy.
Jalneti- cleansing of the nasal passage by using saline or normal water.

Nasagra Drisht – Also known as Trataka in which one gazes at the tip of the nose. Very powerful concentration exercise
The purification is the first in Hatha Yoga, once the body is free of disease, the next step is recommended and that is asanas.

2) Asanas ( yoga poses)-  A person can achieve Sound Health, Stability, Lightness of Body and Mind with Asana". Asana result in disciplining the Body and Mind. The fundamental principle of any asana is “shir sukham asanam” ( meaning steady comfortable position) laid by Sage Patanjali who laid the principle of Ashtanga yoga.
Practicing asanas improves flexibilty of body and stabilises mind. Some basic yoga asanas are Bhujangasana, Ardhmastyandrasana, pachimotasana, shrisasana and many more.

3) Pranayama – bio energy of the body.  Pranayama, if practiced correctly can cure all types of physical and mental disorders, also increase in pranic energy can increase functioning of brain and may result in Siddhis or perfections or extra sensory perceptions, Pranayama is used to control the mental energy and mind. Strictly recommended under supervision from yoga guru.

4) Bandhas - are necessary for practice of Pranayama, Bandha means energy lock.
Different types -

*Jalandhar Bandha – Chin lock
*Moolabandha – Anus lock
*Uddiyan Bandha or abdominal lock.

Ancient yoga texts have assured that the bandh causes destruction of old age and death. Observing this bandh gives peace and calmness to both, the heart and the mind. This in turn increases the lifetime of the student.




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