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Liability Waiver

I confirm and agree that the following terms, conditions and undertakings apply to the  physical yoga exercise in yoga classes and Yoga training Courses conduction (via Online or in Location) provided to me by Yoga and Meditation School of India its founder/Owner  Samir Rane and Director Shilpa Rane and its contracted Yoga Instructors/teachers or employees for Yoga classes or Yoga Teacher Training or any workshop conducted in future.

I have been examined by a licensed medical practitioner ("Practitioner") recently and have been found by the Practitioner able to perform all vigorous stretching and the Yoga exercises, which I am to perform during my enrolment with Yoga and Meditation School of India.

I will faithfully follow all instructions given to me by Yoga and Meditation School of India and its contracted teachers as to when, where and how to perform the Yoga exercises.

I agree and acknowledge that participation in any Yoga exercises could constitute a risk of injury to me. I voluntary and knowingly recognise, accept and assume this risk and warrant that I am physically fit and able to perform the Yoga exercises. I acknowledge that neither Yoga and Meditation School of India, its owners, contracted teachers or employees shall be nor be deemed to be responsible or liable (whether in contract, or in tort or under any statute whatsoever), for any injury, death,  illness or mishap I sustain arising from or out of, or in any way directly or indirectly connected with the Yoga exercises Including breathing.

I understand and acknowledge that I am to receive instruction in Yoga exercises and theory only. The owners, teachers, or employees of Yoga and Meditation School of India are not liable for, nor expected to provide any advice, training or medical assistance other than in the form of Yoga exercises.

I indemnify and will at all time hereafter well and sufficiently indemnify and keep fully indemnified Yoga and Meditation School of India,  its owners (Samir Rane) & (Shilpa Rane), contracted teachers or employees of Yoga and Meditation School of India from and against all actions, suits, causes of action, proceedings, claims, costs and expenses of Yoga and Meditation School of India from and against all actions, suits, causes of action, proceedings, claims, costs and expenses whatsoever which may be taken or made against Yoga and Meditation School of India, its owners (Samir Rane) & (Shilpa Rane), teachers or employees of Yoga and Meditation School of India or incurred or become payable by Yoga and Meditation School of India, its owners (Samir Rane) & (Shilpa Rane), contracted teachers or employees of Yoga and Meditation School of India in connection with or arising out of any such injury, illness or mishap to me.

The tuition paid by me under this enrolment to Yoga and Meditation School of India is non-refundable. Yoga and Meditation School of India may in its sole discretion grant refunds to me without prejudicing any of its rights. 

I agree with the above terms

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